There's something about a cult that is intriguing. Maybe it's the allure of belonging to a group with exclusive secrets, or the idea of being part of something larger than yourself. Whatever it is, cults have been around for centuries and show no signs of slowing down. So how do you build a cult? It isn't easy, but with careful planning and execution, it can be done. Let's discuss the steps necessary to create a successful cult.

How to build a cult

North star, give them something to believe in

To build a cult, you need to have a North star: something that all of your followers can believe in. This could be a shared set of values or a vision for the future. Once you have your North star, you need to give your followers something to believe in. This could be a cause to fight for, or a shared enemy to rally against. Whatever it is, it needs to be something that they can invest themselves in. If you can provide these things, then you will have the foundations of a cult that can stand the test of time.

What is their core purpose being in this community

A cult is not simply a group of people with similar beliefs. In order to be a cult, a group must exhibit certain characteristics, such as a charismatic leader, total dedication to a cause, and a willingness to engage in deviant behavior.

Cults are fascinating because they offer a window into the dark side of human psychology. They reveal what happens when people are allowed to give in to their worst impulses, such as the need for power, the need for control, and the need for belonging. Cults also show us how easily people can be manipulated and controlled. In a cult, the leader is always trying to increase his or her own power, while at the same time keeping the members in a state of fear and dependency. The members are constantly fighting with each other for the leader's approval, and they are always looking for ways to put down those who are not in the cult. As a result, cults are a constant battle between the need for power and the need for belonging. They are a reminder of how easily we can be pulled into darkness if we are not careful.

CULT Building

Step 1: Keep It Vague; Keep It Simple. To create a cult you must first attract attention.

In order to create a cult, you must first attract attention. The best way to do this is to keep your message vague and simple. You want people to be curious about what you believe, but not so curious that they start asking difficult questions. It is also important to remember that you are trying to build a community of devotees, not just a group of followers. This means that you need to provide a sense of belonging and purpose for your members. Ultimately, the goal is to create an environment where people feel like they are part of something special and larger than themselves. If you can do this, then you will be well on your way to creating a successful cult.

Step 2: your community must have a clear, yet unachievable goal

As any community leader knows, setting a goal is essential for rallying people to a cause. But what kind of goal should you set? It's important to choose a goal that is both clear and unachievable. A clear goal can be easily understood and remembered by everyone in the community. An unachievable goal, on the other hand, provides a sense of urgency and motivation to keep working toward the cause. Of course, it's important to strike a balance between these two extremes. If a goal is too unachievable, people may become discouraged and give up. If it's not unachievable enough, then there's no real incentive to achieve it. The cult building in your community must have a clear yet unachievable goal to be successful.

Step 3: Emphasize the Visual and the Sensual over the Intellectual.

The goal is to create an environment that is both stimulating and relaxing, an oasis where students can escape the stresses of daily life. To that end, the building features a variety of interactive elements, including a sensory garden, a water wall, and a light show.

In order to gain and maintain a following, it is essential to make a good impression. People are attracted to luxury and spectacle, so it is important to present yourself and your ideas in the best possible light. This can be done through theater, using devices such as incense, music, and colorful visuals to appeal to all the senses. It is also helpful to use new technology to give your cult a pseudo-scientific veneer. Exoticism is another effective tool, as it can make the banalest and ordinary affairs seem signs of something extraordinary. By using these techniques, you can create a favorable impression that will attract more followers.

Step 4: Introduce ranks to the community and make people climb the ranks by doing tasks.

Commitment and buy-in

In any community, it's important to have a way to encourage people to get involved and commit to the group. One way to do this is to introduce ranks or titles that people can earn by doing tasks or completing assignments. This gives people a sense of ownership and responsibility for the community, and it also helps to build a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. As people see others climbing the ranks, they'll be motivated to put in the extra effort to do the same. And as people earn more responsibility, they'll be more likely to take an active role in shaping the community. Ultimately, introducing ranks can help to create a more committed and engaged community.

Mafia / military / politics

Ranks provide structure and order within a community. They give people a sense of purpose and can motivate them to work together for the common good. In many cases, ranks also come with different levels of responsibility and authority. For example, in a mafia hierarchy, lower-ranking members may be tasked with carrying out orders from their superiors, while those at the top of the totem pole make decisions that could determine the fate of the organization. In a military setting, ranks help to ensure that everyone knows their place in the chain of command and understands the expectations that come with their role. And in politics, ranks can provide a way for people to signal their loyalty to a particular party or leader. By introducing ranks to your community, you can give people a clear sense of direction and a sense of belonging.