The five to seven words that make up a headline are the most important part of any copy.

Whether it is a sales Ad or a blog post, the headline is what determines if your target audience would care enough to continue reading and eventually engage with your Ad.

According to one of the best advertisement writers, David Ogilvy, "if your Ad costs a dollar, your headline alone is worth 80 cents" That is how important the headline is and why it needs to be chosen carefully.

Keep reading to find out how to write a killer headline that would be irresistible to your audience.

Purpose of a headline.

<aside> đŸ‘‘ "Your headline has only one job — to stop your prospect and compel him to read the second sentence…"- Eugene Schwartz.


The sole purpose of your headline is to catch the attention of your target audience.

Your headline has to invoke curiosity and speak directly to your audiences' wants or needs before they will indulge with your brand and click that CTA button.

So how can you write a killer headline?

Know your audience

The main reason why you are even thinking of a headline is that you already have an idea of what you want to talk about as in a blog post or sell as in a sales ad.

Either way, understanding your target audience is the first step in writing a killer headline. To do that, there is one important factor you have to put into consideration, and that is

#The state of awareness of your audience

This means how much about your product and its benefits your audience knows. The more they know, the less persuasion power your copy needs.

As published by Eugene Schwartz, in his book 'Breakthrough Advertising,' there are five stages of awareness; Unaware, problem aware, solution aware, product aware and most aware.

You have to figure out the state of awareness of your audience to know how to structure a headline that will catch their attention and appeal to their wants or needs at the right time.

Hint; Details about the stages of customer awareness are discussed comprehensively in our article