So you have created this great product, and you are convinced that this is it!

This is the one product that will change lives, make tons of sales and grow your brand.

It features everything your customers could ever wish for and is going to beat the competition once it enters the market.

So you put in the time and resources needed to market this product. You’re bombarding your target audience with ads upon ads, and your product is literally on their face, but…


No sales, no engagement, nothing.

Now you are frustrated and even more confused. Why are they not buying the product? Why can't they see that this will make their lives much better? What's wrong?

<aside> 💡 How you sell is more important than what you sell.


There are only many possible reasons why such a great product isn't selling, and most times, it's not about the product but how you sell it.


Tech companies often fall victim to marketing technobabble where their marketing strategy is tech-centric instead of customer-centric.

From the very first press release to the latest ad, their copy is crammed with technical features and words that make no sense to the ordinary customer.  The message they are trying to communicate is then lost in a series of difficult words and abbreviations that their target audience, who have different levels of familiarity with the product or niche, don't relate with. This concept is called technobabble and is a big enemy of product marketing, especially in web 3 companies.

The consequences of technobabble on sales are so horrific that your company could have created the most wonderful product in the market, but no one would care even to watch an ad.

So how do you escape this?

Skip the technobabble.

Contrary to what many tech companies believe, you can sell tech products and services without using technobabble.

Here are five steps that will not only help you escape the usage of technobabble but will improve customer engagement with your product and, ultimately, sales.

Use simple and straightforward words.