Your customers' journey doesn't begin and end with your website. In order to create a successful customer experience, you need to think about all the touch points they will interact with along the way. Touch points are any interaction that your customer has with your brand, and they can be physical or digital. We will discuss what customer journey touchpoints are and how you can use them to improve your business.

Goal 🎯

The importance of being omnipresent and performing really well on all channels 🕴️

In today's competitive business landscape, it is more important than ever to have a strong presence across all channels. Customers are interacting with businesses in more ways than ever before, and they expect a consistent level of quality no matter how they choose to connect.

This means that businesses need to perform well on all touchpoints in order to succeed. While it is possible to do well without a discord, you're missing out on an important touchpoint. By being omnipresent and delivering a high level of quality on all channels, you can give your customers the best possible experience and build a strong reputation that will lead to long-term success.

Use the analogy of a friendship 👬

In business, it's often said that the customer is always right. And while this may not always be true, the sentiment is still important. Your customers are the lifeblood of your business, and it's essential to nurture these relationships. The goal of customer touchpoints is to create a deeper relationship between the customer and your brand.

The more touch-points you create, the more chances you have to build trust and loyalty. And as anyone who's ever been in a long-term relationship knows, these things take time and effort. You can't expect to create a deep connection overnight. It takes time to build trust and rapport. But if you're consistent in your efforts, you'll eventually create a friendship that will last a lifetime.

Customer Touchpoints in Web3 💞

In order to understand customer touchpoints in Web3, it's important to first understand what Web3 is. Web3 is the next generation of the internet, where users are in control of their own data and can interact directly with one another without going through intermediaries. This new decentralized web is powered by blockchain technology, which enables a trust less, peer-to-peer exchange of value.

Twitter #️⃣

One key aspect of Web3 is the use of customer touchpoints, which are points of contact between a customer and a business that can be used to drive engagement and conversions. Twitter is one platform that provides plenty of opportunities for customer touchpoints.

For example, businesses can use Twitter to share news and updates, engage with customers directly, and drive traffic to their website or online store. By creating a strong presence on Twitter, businesses can reach a wide audience and build relationships with potential and current customers.

Discord 💬

One of the most popular platforms for creating customer touchpoints is Discord. Discord is a voice and text chat app designed for gamers, but it can be used for any purpose.

Businesses can use Discord to create channels for customer support, product announcements, or simply general conversation. By creating a Discord server, businesses can build a community of customers and followers who can interact with each other and with the company in real-time.

In addition, businesses can use Discord bots to automate certain tasks, such as sending notifications when new products are released or providing customer support. By leveraging the power of Web3, businesses can create innovative and engaging customer touchpoints that will help them stand out from the competition.

Retargeting ads 📈

The modern customer's journey is complex, and it can be difficult to keep track of all the touchpoints. However, one important touchpoint that should not be overlooked is web3 retargeting ads.

Web3 retargeting ads are a powerful tool for marketing to customers who have already shown an interest in your product or service. By tracking the customer's web activity, you can deliver targeted ads that are more likely to lead to a conversion.